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Mirjam Gollmitzer


Professeure agrégée

Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de communication

Marie-Victorin office B414

514 343-6111 #49480

Areas of Expertise

Student supervision Expand all Collapse all

Travaux dirigés
Thèses et mémoires dirigés

Research projects Expand all Collapse all

Can journalism’s ‘real utopias’ address the crisis of the news media? Exploring journalism cooperatives from an international and comparative perspective Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2025

Lead researcher : Mirjam Gollmitzer
Funding sources: CRSH/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Grant programs: PV153480-Subventions de développement Savoir

Are media cooperatives a viable answer to journalism's problems? The case of the bilingual New Brunswick Media Co-op in Eastern Canada Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2024

Lead researcher : Mirjam Gollmitzer
Funding sources: CRSH/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Grant programs: PVX20020-Subvention institutionnelle du CRSH - Subventions d'exploration

Pandemic precarity or resilience in atypical journalistic work? A comparative pilot study of crisis experiences among lone freelancers and members of journalism collectives or cooperatives Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2022

Lead researcher : Mirjam Gollmitzer
Funding sources: CRSH/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Grant programs: PVX20020-Subvention institutionnelle du CRSH - Subventions d'exploration

Publications Expand all Collapse all

Gollmitzer, M. (2024). 'You can't buy a revolution, but you can support a paper fighting for one': Journalism cooperatives' organizational traits and journalistic missions. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. 25 pages.

Gollmitzer, M. (2024). Care(lessness) in precarious journalism, before and during the pandemic: Freelancers’ work-life experiences and coping strategies. Global Media and China. Special issue 'Feminist media production and beyond'. Online first (15 pages).

Gollmitzer, M. (2022). Alleviating or exacerbating precarity? How freelancers in Germany and Canada experience policies regulating insecure journalistic labour. In K. Chadha & L. Steiner (Eds.), Newswork and Precarity (pp. 170-185). New York, NY: Routledge.

Gollmitzer, M. (2021). Laboring in journalism’s crowded, precarious entryway: Perceptions of journalism interns. Journalism Studies. Online first (19 pages).

Gollmitzer M. (2021). Journalism ethics with Foucault: Casually employed journalists’ constructions of professional integrity. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. Online first (19 pages). 

Gollmitzer, M (2020). Employment Conditions in Journalism. In H. Örnebring (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies, Vol I. (pp. 441-462). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Gollmitzer, M. (2015).  Theorizing adversarial guests: The resistance against (and restoration of) media routines. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, 40 (1), 21-41.             

Gollmitzer, M. (2014). Precariously employed watchdogs? Perceptions of working conditions among freelance journalists and interns. Journalism Practice, 8 (6), 826-841.

Murray, C. & Gollmitzer, M. (2012). Escaping the precarity trap: A call for creative labour policy. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18 (4), 419-438.

Gollmitzer, M. (2008). Industry versus democracy: The new ‘Audiovisual Media Services Directive’ and the future of European media policy. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 4 (3), 331-348.

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