Tamara Vukov
- Professeure agrégée
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de communication
Marie-Victorin office B413
Web : Site web de l’unité de recherche
Web : Autre site web
Education Programs
- Communication Economics and Politics
- Communication Economics and Politics Information and Communication Technologies
- Arts and Music Communication Information and Communication Technologies
- Arts and Music Information and Communication Technologies
- Arts and Music Humanities
- Arts and Music
- Communication Information and Communication Technologies
- CEP1500 Fondements communicationnels
- COM6402 Recherche - création dans le champ communicationnel
Areas of Expertise
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Gentrification, financiarisation et resistance. Fin de la ville abordable et crise du logement vues depuis Montréal Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2027
On the Margins of the Platform Economy: Community-led Responses to Technical Gentrification Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2025
Publications Expand all Collapse all
VUKOV, Tamara (2019). « Soulèvements fugitifs et infrapolitiques sur les territoires de Montréal / Tio’tia:ke depuis la fin des années 1980. » (Fugitive Uprisings and Infrapolitics on the territories of Montréal / Tio’tia:ke since the 1980s). Le soulèvement infini. Editeurs Georges Didi-Huberman et Louise Déry. Galérie de l’UQAM (Montréal, QC).
VUKOV, Tamara (2015). “Strange Moves: Notes Towards a Manifesto on Mobility Justice.” Mobile Desires: The Erotics and Politics of Mobility Justice. Edited by Melissa White and Liz Montegary. Special issue of Mobility and Politics (Palgrave Pivot).
NAMASTE, Viviane, Tamara VUKOV, Nada SAGHIE, et. al. (2015) « Quelle communauté? Les limites de la recherche communautaire en contexte néolibéral. » (Which community? The limits of community research in a neoliberal context"). Co-authored with Viviane Namaste, Nada Saghie, et. al. La recherche communautaire: Des savoirs engagés (Community Research: Engaged Knowledges). Presses de l’Université du Québec : 123 - 138.
VUKOV, Tamara, and SHELLER, Mimi. (2013). “Border Work: Surveillant Assemblages, Virtual Fences and Tactical Counter-media. ” “Charting, Tracking, and Mapping: New Technologies, Labor, and Surveillance: Special Issue.” Social Semiotics 2013 (April).
VUKOV, Tamara. (2013). “Noborder Media: Media / Art Interventions into Border Control by Migrant Justice Movements.” Media Interventions. Edited by Kevin Howley. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2013.
VUKOV, Tamara. (2013). “Seven Theses on Neobalkanism and NGO-isation in Transitional Serbia.” NGOization and its Discontents: Complicity, Contradictions and Prospects. Edited by Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor. London: Zed Books, 2013.
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