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Benoit-Barné, C. & Martine, T. (Éds). (2022). Speaking with one voice: Multivocality and univocality in organizing. Routledge.
Benoit-Barné, C. & Martine, T. (sous-presse). Voice: A Metaphor and Its Significance for Organizational Communication. Dans Benoit-Barné, C. & Martine, T (Éds). Speaking with one voice: Multivocality and univocality in organizing. Routledge.
Benoit-Barné, C. & Fox, S. (2022). Authority according to CCO: Recursivity, Emergence and Durability. Dans Basque, J., Bencherki, N. & Kuhn, T. (Éds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization. Routledge.
Boivin, G., & Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2022). What’s pragmatic about ambiguity in the communicative constitution of organizations? The case of CCO scholarship’s establishment. In J. Basque, N. Bencherki, & T. Kuhn (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of the communicative constitution of organization (pp. 47-59). Routledge.
Brummans, B. H. J. M., Higham, L., & Cooren, F. (2022). The work of conflict mediation: Actors, vectors, and communicative relationality. Human Relations, 75(4) 764-791.
Brummans, B. H. J. M., & Vézy, C. (2022). Adventurous ideas for ethnographic research on the communicative constitution of organizations. In J. Basque, N. Bencherki, & T. Kuhn (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of the communicative constitution of organization (262-280). Routledge.
Cooren, F. (2022). Foreword. In K. Waddington, Gossip, organization and work: A research overview. New York: Routledge.
Heaton, L. (2022). Chains of participation in producing biodiversity infrastructures: digital reconfigurations of scientific work. Science as Culture.
Pidduck, J. (2022). Lesbian Bars, Archival Media Bricolage, and Research-Creation: After Hours Chez Madame Arthur. Feminist Media Histories: An International Journal 8(2), 137-160.
Sinai-Glazer, H., & Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2022). Modes of relational agency among welfare-reliant mothers. The British Journal of Social Work, 52(1), 536-553.


Atouba, Y., Dempsey, S., Koschmann, M., Kramer, M., McAllum, K., McNamee, L. G., & Peterson, B. L. (2021). Forum on communication dynamics of nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Management Communication Quarterly, 1-16 [par invitation]. DOI: 10.1177/08933189211012023

Balay, B., Cooren, F., & Dion, F. (2021). Processus organisants et formes organisées : Le cas de séances d’hypnose de rue, Communication et organisation, 59, 91-105.

Bardini, T. (2021). La suite des soucis d’un père de famille. Dans E. Quinz (dir.) Le comportement des choses (pp. 172-183). Les Presses du réel.

Bencherki, N., Sergi, V., Vasquez, C., Cooren, F. (2021). How strategy comes to matter: Strategizing as the communicative materialization of matters of concern. Strategic Organization, 19(4), 608-635.

Benoit-Barné, C. & Robichaud, D. (2021). Articuler collaboration et représentation en gouvernance collaborative: une perspective communicationnelle. Communication & organisation, 59.

Brummans, B. H. J. M., Higham, L., & Cooren, F. (2021). The work of conflict mediation: Actors,vectors, and communicative relationality. Human Relations, 1-28. [OnlineFirst]

Caïdor, P. (2021). La constitution communicationnelle d’un programme de valorisation de la diversité ethnoculturelle: une étude de cas. Revue Communication et Organisation [En ligne], 59, 169-181,

Cooren, F., Higham, L., & Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2021). Epilogue: The ventriloquism of media: Communication as delegation and tele-action. In J. Baron, J. Fleeger, & S. Wong Lerner (Eds.), Media ventriloquism: How audiovisual technologies transform the voice-body relationship (pp. 241-260). Oxford University Press.

Cooren, F., & Matte, F. (2021). Between media studies and organizational communication: Organizing as the creation of organs. In J. Swartz, & J. Wasko (eds.), Media: A transdisciplinary inquiry (pp. 100-114). Bristol, UK: Intellect Books

Cooren, F., & Stücheli-Herlach, P. (Eds.) (2021). Handbook of management communication. Boston, MA: De Gruyter Mouton.

De Maeyer, J., & Delva, J. (2021). When Computers were New: Shifts in the Journalistic Sensorium (1960s–1990s). Digital Journalism, 9(6), 792‑809.

De Maeyer, J. (2021). Book Review: Journalism and Truth in an Age of Social Media, by James E. Katz & Kate K. Mays (Eds.). Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,

Doonan, N. (2021). Fowl Play: Overtures in Human-Bird Communication. Performance Research, 26(6).

Doonan, N. (2021). Le St. Laurent : lieu de rencontres, (visite guidée et balado), presentée par le Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Montreal, QC.

Eriksson, M. & Heuguet, G. (2021). Interview with Aleksandra Kaminska, Internet Histories, 5(1): 57-70, DOI: 10.1080/24701475.2021.1878650

Fox, S., McAllum, K., & Vautrin Nadeau, M.-E. (2021). Elder care. In C. Bylund (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley.

Heaton, L. (2021). Les sciences participatives au secours de la biodiversité, un compte-rendu. Revue Anthropologie des Connaissances, 15(3).

Kaminska, A. & De Maeyer, J. (2021). The Perfect Cut: Talking with Myriam Dion. Inscription: The Journal of Material Text – Theory, Practice, History, no. 2: 65-74.

Kaminska, A. & Ruiz, R. (Eds.) (2021). Materials and Media of Infrastructure, Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(2) (225 pages).

Kaminska, A. & Ruiz, R. (2021). Introduction: Materials and Media of Infrastructure. Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(2): 143-150.

Kaminska, A. & Rafico Ruiz, R. (2021). Mediating the Tree: Infrastructures of Pulp and Paper Modernity in The Bowater Papers. Canadian Journal of Communication, 46(2): 315-343.

Krautzberger, M.; Fohim, E., Cooren, F., & Schumacher, T. (2021). The communicative constitution of institutional change in expression games. Strategic Organization, 19(4), 667-692.

Landry, N., Gagné, A-M., Caïdor, P., Bégin, M., Rocheleau, S., Canava, C. (2021). Pratiques communicationnelles des organismes de lutte à la pauvreté et à l’exclusion: le recours aux entretiens individuels dans une démarche qualitative et inductive. Revue Approches inductives, 8(1), 146-172.

McAllum, K., Simpson, M. L., Unson, C., Fox, S., & Kilpatrick, K. (2021). The socialization of unpaid family caregivers: A scoping review. Research on Aging, 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/01640275211005092

McAllum, K., Mallette, S., Rife, T., & Dutta, U. (2021). “From sitting in the classroom to facing it:” Becoming and growing as a teacher. In B. W. Bach, D. O. Braithwaite & S. Ganesh (Eds.), By degrees: Resilience, relationships, and success in communication graduate studies (pp. 112-124). Cognella.

Nathues, E., Van Vuuren, M., & Cooren, F. (2021). Speaking about vision, talking in the name of so much more: Introducing a ventriloquial framework for organization studies. Organization Studies, 42(9), 1457-1476.

Pidduck, J. (2021). Les conditions et les ‘scènes’ de visibilité médiatique lesbienne et féministe : l’atelier de photographie Plessisgraphe. Recherches féministes 33(2), 67-88.

Rouleau, J. et Pidduck, J. (2021). Le regard queer et l’image en mouvement. Codirection, numéro spécial de Cinémas 29(3).

Sinai-Glazer, H., & Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2021). Modes of relational agency among welfare-reliant mothers. The British Journal of Social Work, 1-18. [OnlineFirst]

Taylor, B. C., Barley, W. C., Brummans, B. H. J. M., Ellingson, L. L., Ganesh, S., Herrmann, A. F., Rice, R. M., & Tracy, S. J. (2021). Revisiting ethnography in organizational communication studies. Management Communication Quarterly, 1-30. [OnlineFirst]

Thibault, G. & Hayward, M. (2021). Ethics in Jacques Lafitte’s Mechanology. Theory, Culture and Society38(5) 73-92.

Vézy, C., & Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2021). La recherche CCO comme pratique réflexive: Une approche relationnelle. Communication & Organisation, 59, 141-153.


Bardini, T. (2020). With consideration for the virus power. Dans B. Gottlieb (dir.) Feedback: Global Warning! Marshall McLuhan and the Arts (pp. 37-44). West Den Haag.

Bardini, T. (2020). Participation à l’écriture collective de l’Abécédaire des bifurcations par Cora Novirus, Multitudes 80.

Bardini, T. (2020). COVID-19 et capitalisme génétique, AOC [en ligne]

Bencherki, N. & Cooren, F. (2020) Philosophy of Communication. In P. Moy (Ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bencherki, N., Cooren, F., Brummans, B. H. J. M., Benoit-Barné, C., & Matte, F. (2020). La culture en tant que cultivation: Vers une conception communicationnelle de la culture organisationnelle. Communiquer, 29, 89-109.

Brummans, B. H. J. M., Hwang, J. M., & Cheong, P. H. (2020). Recycling stories: Mantras, communication, and organizational materialization. Organization Studies, 41(1), 103-126.

Carroll, A. B., Adler, N. J., Mintzberg, H., Cooren, F., Suddaby, R., Freeman, R. E., & Laasch, O. (2020). What ‘are’ responsible management? A conceptual potluck. In O. Laasch, R. Suddaby, R. E. Freeman, & J. Jamali (Eds.), The Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Claveau, M.-P. & McAllum, K. (2020). Mettre sa dignité en pause ? La dignité au travail chez les travailleurs atypiques. Dans V. Carayol, V. Lepine, & L. Morillon (dir.), Le côté obscur de la communication des organisations. MSHA/Open Books.

Cooren, F. (2020). Le droit comme art de faire parler : Une approche ventriloque. In V. Denault (Ed.), La science au service de la pratique : Enquêtes, procès et justice (pp. 125-147). Montréal, QC : Éditions Yvon Blais.

Cooren, F. (2020). Discourse as Ventriloquy: A Pragmatic/Relational Analysis of Media as Agents. In K. Krippendorff, & Nour (Eds), Discourses in action (pp. 37-50). New York: Routledge.

Cooren, F. (2020). Reconciling dialogue and propagation: A ventriloquial inquiry. Language and Dialogue, 10(1), 9-28.

Cooren, F., & Seidl, D. (2020). Niklas Luhmann’s radical communication approach and its implications for research on organizational communication. Academy of Management Review, 45(2), 479-497.

De Maeyer, J. (2020). “A Nose for News”: From (News) Values to Valuation. Sociologica, 14(2), 109‑132.

Doonan, N. (2020). “A Lower North Shore Story: containers for feminist place-making in Québec, Canada,” in Gender, Place & Culture, 27(7), 965-983.

Fox, S., & Comeau-Vallée, M. (2020). The negotiation of sharing leadership in the context of professional hierarchy: Interactions on interprofessional teams. Leadership. DOI: 10.1177/1742715020917817

Grenier, L., & Valois-Nadeau, F. (Éds.). (2020). A senior moment: Cultural mediations of memory and ageing. Transcript.

Grenier, L., & Valois-Nadeau, F. (2020). Introduction: Thinking Memory with Ageing, an Ageing withMemory. In L. Grenier & F. Valois-Nadeau (Éds.), A senior moment: Cultural mediations of memory and ageing (p. 7‑32). Transcript.

Grenier, L., Sawchuk, K., & Valois-Nadeau, F. (2020). Resoundingly Entangled. Aging and Memory inÉtoile des aînés in Québec. In L. Grenier & F. Valois-Nadeau (Éds.), A senior moment: Cultural mediations of memory and ageing (p. 195‑220). Transcript.

Haug, C. & Cooren, F. (2020). « La magie de la réunion nécessite de faire entendre plusieurs voix. » Un entretien avec François Cooren sur la ventriloquie, l'interaction et l'École de Montréal. // “The Magic of the Meeting Necessitates Having Multiple Voices Heard.” An Interview with François Cooren about Ventriloquism, Interaction and the Montreal School. Communiquer. Revue de communication publique et sociale, 29.

Heaton, L. et Dias da Silva, P. (2020). Civic Engagement in Local Environmental Initiatives: Reaping the Benefits of a Diverse Media Landscape. Dans M. Adria, (dir.) Using New Media for Citizen Engagement and Participation, (p. 16-34). IGI Global.

Kaminska, A. & Grondin, D. (Eds.). (2020). Biometrics: Mediating Bodies, Special issue of PUBLIC: Art Culture Ideas, no. 60 (296 pages).

Kaminska, A. & Grondin, D. (2020). Introduction. Biometrics: Mediating Bodies. Special issue of PUBLIC: Art Culture Ideas, no. 60, 6-13.

Kaminska, A.  The Intrinsic Value of Valuable Paper: On the Infrastructural Work of Authentication Devices. Theory, Culture & Society, 37(5), 95-117.

Kaminska, A.  Nano-Optical Image-Making: Morphologies, Devices, Speculations. Leonardo 53(2): 167-173.

Landry, N., Gagné, A-M., Bégin, M., Rocheleau, S., Canava, C. et Caidor, P. (2020). Militantisme, justice sociale et inégalités numériques : étude de groupes de lute contre la pauvreté au Québec », Terminal [En ligne], 127, 1-21.

Martine, T., Brummans, B. H. J. M., & Cooren, F. (2020). At the junction between subsistence and reference: A pragmatist take on interaction analysis. Journal of Communication, 70(1), 90-113.

Piguet, G. & Kaminska, A. (2020). Odorama V2: Prototyping Touch-Smell Synesthesia to Promote Neurocognitive Empathy. Proceedings of the 2020 International Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA) (Category: full paper).

Sawchuk, K., Grenier, L., & Lafontaine, C. (2020). That’s Surprising, at Your Age!” The Myth of Digital Disinterest. In V. Billette, P. Marier, & A.-M. Séguin (Éds.), Getting wise about getting old: Debunking myths about aging (p. 36‑43). University of British Columbia Press.

Schoeneborn, D., Trittin, H., & Cooren, F. (2020). Consensus vs. dissensus: The communicative constitution of responsible management. In O. Lasch, R. Suddaby, R. E. Freeman, & D. Jamali (Eds.), The Research Handbook of Responsible Management. (pp. 453-469). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Soubiale, N. & Cooren, F. (2020). Le groupe de recherche sur le langage, l’organisation et la gouvernance (LOG) de l’université de Montréal, Communication et organisation, 58, 111-118.

Stephens, K., Jahn, J., Fox, S., Charoensap-Kelly, P., Mitra, R., Sutton, J., Waters, E., & Xie, B. (2020). Radically changing work as we know it: Organizational scholars contributing to our future by collectively sensemaking around COVID-19. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(3), 426-457. 10.1177/0893318920934890

Thibault, G. (2020). Celestial Posters : Skywriting and the Folk Theory of Media Influence. (2020). Communicative Figurations. ZeMKI Working Paper no. 37, 1‑13.


Bardini, T. (2019). Prémisses d’une archéologie médiatique du temps réel. Dans Y. Citton et E. Doudet (dir.) Écologies de l’attention et archéologie des media (pp. 133-138). UGA Éditions.

Bardini, T. (2019). La numérisation de la vie. De la nécessité d’une approche biosémiotique de la convergence des codes, Recherches Sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry, 37/38(1-3) : 19-35. 

Bardini, T. (2019).  Engelbart, Douglas Carl, American National Biography, Oxford University Press.  

Bencherki, N.; Matte, F., & Cooren, F. (Eds) (2019). Authority and Power in Social Interaction: Methods and Analysis. New York: Routledge.

Benoit-Barné, C., Marsen, S., Wang, N. & Yang, Y. (2019). Decentering the analysis: the authority of spectators, journalists and others. Dans Bencherki, N., Cooren, F. & Matte, F. (Éds.), Authority and Power in Social Interaction: Methods and Analysis. Routledge.

Cooren, F., & Caïdor, P. (2019). Communication as dis/organization: How to analyze tensions from a relational perspective. In C. Vasquez & T. Kuhn (Eds). Communication as dis/organization: Studying Tensions, Ambiguities and Disordering (pp. 142-169). New York: Routledge.

Cooren, F., & Malbois, F. (Eds) (2019). Methodological and Ontological Principles of Observation and Analysis: Following and Analyzing Things and Beings in Our Everyday World. New York: Routledge.

De Maeyer, J. (2019). Taking conspiracy culture seriously: Journalism needs to face its epistemological trouble. Journalism, 20(1), 21‑23.

De Maeyer, J. (2019). Content Management Systems and Journalism. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.

Fauré, B., Cooren, F., & Matte, F. (2019). To speak or not to speak the language of numbers: Accounting as ventriloquism. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 32(1), 337-361.

Fox, S., & Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2019). Where’s the plot? Interprofessional collaboration as joint emplotment in acute care. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 47(3), 260-282.

Fox, S., Gaboury, I., Vachon, B., & Chiocchio, F. (2019). Communication and interprofessional collaboration in primary care: From ideal to reality in practice. Health Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2019.1666490

Kaminska, A. (2019) “Don’t Copy That: Security Printing and the Making of High-Tech Paper.” Convergence: The International Journal into New Media Technologies, 25(4): 590-606.

Kuhn, T., Ashcraft, K. L., & Cooren, F. (2019). What work can organizational communication do? Management Communication Quarterly, 33(1), 101-111.

Leduc, V., M. Boukala, J. Rouleau, S. Bouscatier, L. Grenier, C. Grimard, S. Heussaff, A. Louw, A. McAskill, L. Parent, D. Saunders, T. Tembeck, C. Théroux (2019). Les pratiques artistiques des personnes sourdes ou handicapées au Canada. Rapport de recherche. Montréal : Conseil des arts du Canada. 76 pages.

Martine, T., Cooren, F., & Bartels, G. (2019). Evaluating Creativity Through the Degrees of Solidity of its Assessments: A Relational Approach. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(4), 427-442.

Martine, T., & De Maeyer, J. (2019). Networks of Reference: Rethinking Objectivity Theory in Journalism. Communication Theory, 29(1), 1‑23.

McAllum, K., Fox, S., Simpson, M., & Unson, C. (2019). A comparative tale of two methods: How thematic and narrative analyses ‘author’ the data story differently. Communication Research & Practice, 5(4), 358-375. DOI: 10.1080/22041451.2019.1677068

McAllum, K. (2019). Delegation-based and directive mentoring relationships in high reliability organizations: Negotiating the reliability-resilience tension in ambulance work. Communication Monographs, 87(2), 200-222.  DOI: 10.1080/03637751.2019.1677926

McAllum, K. (2019). Refugee resettlement volunteers as (inter)cultural mediators? Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2019.1653953

Thibault, G. (2019). Défilements et éthéréalisations : Une archéologie du fil. In Y. Citton & E. Doudet (Éds.), Écologies de l’attention et archéologie des media (p. 174‑186). UGA Éditions.



Arnaud, N., Fauré, B., Mengis, J., & Cooren, F. (2018). Interconnecting the practice turn and communicative approach to organizing: A new challenge for collective action? M@n@gement, 21(2), 691-704.

Arnett, R. C., & Cooren, F. (Eds) (2018). Dialogic Ethics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Bardini, T. (2018). Viral Life, at Last, NatureCulture 04: 90-114, [en ligne]

Benoit-Barné, C. & Zoghlami, K. (2018). La notion de porte-parole à la croisée de la rhétorique: enjeux de représentation et communication. Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 22(1),82-101. DOI: 10.5840/symposium20182216

Brummans, B. H. J. M. (Ed.). (2018). The agency of organizing: Perspectives and case studies. Routledge.

Brummans, B. H. J. M. (2018). Introduction: Perspectives on the agency of organizing. In B. H. J. M. Brummans (Ed.), The agency of organizing: Perspectives and case studies (pp. 1-27). Routledge.

Brummans, B. H. J. M., & Hwang, J. M. (2018). Home is what we make it: Hybridity as an alternative for spatial metaphors in at-home ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 7(2), 164-175.

Caïdor, P., & Cooren, F. (2018). The appropriation of diversity discourses at work: A ventriloquial approach. Journal of Business Diversity, 18(4), 22-41.

Cooren, F. (2018). Bruno Latour ou les exigences de l’irréductionnisme. Ontologie relationnelle et études des phénomènes communicationnels. Symposium, 22(1), 6-21.

Cooren, F. (2018). Materializing communication: Making the case for a relational ontology. Journal of Communication, 68, 278–288.

Cooren, F. (2018). Le « plus d’un » ou comment se méfier de la perfection. In S. Grosjean, A. Mayère & L. Bonneville, Les utopies organisationnelles. London, UK : ISTE Group.

Cooren, F. (2018). Jacques Derrida: Hospitality that haunts. In R. C. Arnett, A. M. Holba & S. Mancino (Eds.), An encyclopedia of communication ethics: Goods in contention (pp. 116-120). New York: Peter Lang.

Cooren, F. (2018). Acting for, with, and through: A Relational perspective on agency in MSF's organizing. In B. H. J. M. Brummans (Ed.), The agency of organizing: Perspectives and case studies (pp. 142-169) New York: Routledge.

De Maeyer, J., & Trudel, D. (2018). @franklinfordbot: Remediating Franklin Ford. Digital Journalism, 6(9), 1270‑1287.

Denault, V., & Cooren, F. (2018). Lawyers as ventriloquists: A contemporary approach to understanding credibility in the courtroom. In G. Tessuto, V. K. Bhatia & Jan Engberg (Eds.), Frameworks for discursive actions and practices of the law (pp. 138-152). Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars.

Doonan, N. (2018). YUL Forage (installation crée avec David Szanto et Pamela Tudge), Canadian Association for Food Studies Annual Conference, University of Regina, Regina, SK.

Doonan, N. (2018). Mile-End Sound Walk: MyCity/MySounds (organize par Eric Lewis et Medea Electronique,) International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, Suoni per il Popolo Festival, Montreal, QC.

Doonan, N. (2018). Glossary: ‘Curate', in Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory & Practice, New York, Berghahn Books.

Doonan, N. (2018). Wild Cuisine and Canadianness: Creeping Rootstalks and Subterranean Struggle, in Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, Melissa L. Caldwell (ed.), XVIII (2). 

Doonan, N. (2018). Spreading the Word and Sharing the Seed: Collaborating with Milkweed, Food and Activism in Contemporary Public Art, Cameron Cartière et Jennifer Wingate (éds.), VIII(1). 

Doonan, N. (2018). Voir le jour: Breastfeeding and the commons, Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, V(1): 156-162. 

Doonan, N. (2018). From Bakeapples to Breastmilk: Journeys of a Settler Mama Through Foreign and Familiar Foods, in What is our Role?: Artists in Academia and the Post- Knowledge Economy, Jaclyn Meloche (ed.), Toronto, YYZ Books.

Fairhurst, G. T., & Cooren, F. (2018). Organizational discourse analysis. In C. Cassell, Ann L Cunliffe, & G. Grandy (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative business and management methods (pp. 82-101). London: Sage.

Fines-Neuschild, M. et Heaton, L. (2018).  Mycoqué : un portail numérique et les pratiques d’identification. Dans L. Heaton, F. Millerand, P.  Dias da Silva et S. Proulx (dir). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal. pp. 87-104.

Heaton, L., Millerand, F., Dias da Silva, P. et Proulx, S.  (dir). (2018). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Heaton, L. (2018).  Introduction : la reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité. Dans L. Heaton, F. Millerand, P.  Dias da Silva et S. Proulx (dir). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal. pp. 7-26.

Heaton, L. (2018).  La standardisation et la générification dans une infrastructure de participation: le cas d’eBird. Dans L. Heaton, F. Millerand, P.  Dias da Silva et S. Proulx (dir). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal. pp. 131-145.

Heaton, L. (2018).  La qualité des données d’observation contribuées par les amateurs : Entrevue avec Maxim Larrivée d’eButterfly.  Dans L. Heaton, F. Millerand, P.  Dias da Silva et S. Proulx (dir). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal. pp. 147-156.

Heaton, L., Dias da Silva, P.  et Serge Proulx, S.  (2018).  La numérisation des collections naturalistes – approches et enjeux. Dans L. Heaton, F. Millerand, P.  Dias da Silva et S. Proulx (dir). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal. pp. 159-177.

Heaton, L. et Millerand, F. (2018). L’expertise sur une plateforme collaborative du Web : Les Herbonautes. Dans L. Heaton, F. Millerand, P.  Dias da Silva et S. Proulx (dir). La reconfiguration du travail scientifique en biodiversité : pratiques amateurs et technologies numériques. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal. pp. 179-194.

Kaminska, A. (2018). Storing Authenticity at the Surface and into the Depths: Securing Paper with Human- and Machine-Readable Devices. Intermédialités/Intermediality: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies no. 32: Cacher / Concealing. 

Kaminska, A. (2018). On the Concept of Recognition: Emotional Reactions, Empathetic Interactions. Proceedings of the Electronic Workshops on Computing, Politics of the Machines - Art and After (EVA Copenhagen),

Leduc, V., O. Angrignon-Girouard, E. Marcelli, M. Boukala, J. Rouleau et L. Grenier (2018). Pratiques des artistes sourd-es et handicapé-es au Canada. Rapport de l’étude secondaire. Montréal : Conseil des Arts du Canada. 56 pages.

McAllum, K. (2018). Volunteers as boundary workers: Negotiating tensions between volunteerism and professionalism in nonprofit organizations. Management Communication Quarterly, 32(4), 534-564. DOI: 10.1177/0893318918792094

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