Experts in: Studies of organizational phenomena
Aux. de recherche (étudiant/e)
COOREN, François
Professeur titulaire
- Constitutive approaches to communication
- Social interactions
- Communication theory
- Pragmatics
- Semiotics
- Organizational communication
- Studies of organizational phenomena
My research interests fall into three subfields of communication, i.e.:
- organizational communication,
- analysis of social interactions
- and, more generally, communication theories.
My main interest concerns “organizing” phenomena and organizations’ ways of being and acting. I take a “constitutive” view aimed at showing that it is in and through communication that organization is created, in entrepreneurial, associative or humanitarian contexts. This view leads me to analyze social interactions. I explore, in particular, the way in which values, principles, norms and ideologies are expressed, applied and developed in our texts and conversations. In the end, all these interests lead me to revisit different traditions in communication research and to show how each one contributes, in its way, to developing a truly communication-based view of the world around us.